25. Estacadaward
From atop Kelly Butte I'll survey
the skyline from my plated window
and then dash away. This is your mayor,
reinforced location, calling out to proceed
steadily, predictably,
in a noble file. Steady preparation
has led us to this moment
where I, your mayor, in good grace proclaim:
Proceed. Steadily. Predictably. Estacadaward.
Proceed. Steadily. Predictably. Estacadaward.
We'll win the race. We'll live our dream.
We'll kick the ass of the other team.
On a day called "X" and "Y" and "Z"
they'll name a freeway after me.
They'll name a freeway after me.
They'll name a freeway after me.
Have you seen "A Day Called 'X'"? If not, well, this is basically the plot in a nutshell.
Fun fact: "Estacadaward" is typed entirely with the left hand!