Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Things to love June '24

  •  Helen DeWitt The English Understand Wool
    • Reading The English Understand Wool in the hammock under the apple tree in a single sitting
    • Discussing The English Understand Wool with one's sweetheart after she also read the book in the hammock under the apple tree in a single sitting
  • Playing Donut County and the Frog Detective series on the Steem Dekk with the boy in the hammock
  • The hammock
  • The apple tree
  • The typography in the inner sleeve of Born Against's Nine Patriotic Hymns for Children

  • Thinking about sending cash in the mail in the 90s to order Born Against records
  • Wanting to send cash in the mail to order records in 2024
  • The new bike paths next to Linwood Avenue in unincorporated Clackamas County
  • Riding my big blue unelectrified puffy-tires cargo bike on said paths and feeling like I'm sailing a yacht
  • Getting to ride those paths every day this summer to take the boy to summer care and back
  • Thinking about doing the library's summer reading bingo game for adults
  • Thinking about doing the reading in the hammock under the apple tree