Lines that I've enjoyed in songs that are likewise great:
Aselefech Ashine and Getenesh Kebret "Meche Neow":
"Eager to see you return
I sleep facing in the direction you might be"
(just recently got this album from Mississippi Records, had known this song for nearly three decades ever since getting Ethiopian Groove: The Golden Seventies on tape from Merkato in LA before some G*ng W*z*rd show or other)
Cootie Catcher "Friend of a Friend":
"And you know that I could pick out your ears in a crowd"
(super catchy song, great video also, particularly with its awesome glitched-out closed-captioning):
I don't know any lyrics from this great post from Madrotter Treasure Hunt, but the second song is called "Badminton," and I'm trying to imagine what the lyrics might be about (great cover):