I played a show with the legendary Jennifer Robin on Sunday at the legendary Clinton St. Theater and it was, as to be expected, legendary. Jennifer's soul sister and quasi-döppelganger Mara was doing a release for a lathe-cut record and bringing a bunch of fellow weirdos on stage to set the stage. Both Jennifer and I commented on how this felt very Old Portland in the sense of bringing that combo of scrappy and weird, but I thought it also felt very New Portland in how inclusive it was (old Portland was a little bit lumberjack-boys-club), and how the merch table only accepted Venmo. I wore a white synthetic jumpsuit on stage and probably sweated off five pounds of water weight in fifteen minutes. Recommended.
Things that I really liked:
The wild music videos from TERMINATor that played, including "Rat, Hopefully the Boy," whose wild mixture of flute loops, food styling, and boudoir/Daisies aesthetics made me very happy
Public Pleasure and their Keith Levene-channeling guitar and their wonderful mix of volume and vulnerability on stage
The song that Mara premiered, total June-uary summer hit, especially when filtered through lathe-cut record sound quality: