The Montreal Assembly PurPLL effects pedal
Pedro Mairal The Missing Year of Juan Salvatierra (must try to track down the original Spanish) and the way it depicts the father-son relationship after the father has died
Riding the exercise bike during lunch break
Playing Ys VIII and Ys IX during said bike breaks - bright, earnest, and a little goofy beat-em-up RPGs whose "Normal" difficulty level and pacing are just right to be played while also working out for an hour
Being able to check out Ys VIII and Ys IX from the Tualatin Public Library
Fitting a second-hand exercise bike in the back of a Mazda2
While we're talking about father-son relationships: Chris Elliott Daddy's Boy
Finding out that there are Wire EPs that I haven't listened to
Playing guitar at low volumethrough older Peavey bass practice amps (currently a Basic 112 from a garage sale down the street - I carried it four blocks home)
Seeing "Unicode" and "Gamelan" crossing "Mimeograph" in last Sunday's NYT crossword
The first few weeks of Flaming Hydra
My 7-year-old creating a word game called "Groups" where "Phone" and "Tablet" are grouped together by being "rectangular objects"
My 7-year-old finding the Spanish word mapache ("raccoon") very funny - I love it too